Samsung launches “Hand Wash” app for Galaxy Watch to help users keep track of hand-washing habits

The COVID-19 pandemic has already resulted in pretty significant changes in the way we live our daily lives. The importance of washing one’s hands regularly to reduce the risk of contracting the virus is very high. To help users, Samsung has released a new “Hand Wash” app for the Galaxy Watch that will prompt users to clean their hands.

The app was developed by developers at Samsung Research Institute-Bangalore, or SRI-B’s UX and wearable teams. Its primary purpose is to periodically remind users to wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds, as recommended by the WHO. It also offers long term tracking of a users daily hand wash habits, helping users to build healthier habits overtime.

When a user starts the hand wash sequence, a timer will begin on the Galaxy watch for 25 seconds; 5 seconds to turn on the tap and put soap, 20 seconds to wash your hands. At the end, the Watch will provide a haptic feedback. The watch will also give a reminder for when a user missed their hand wash and also in the watch face, it will show how much time has elapsed since the last hand wash.

Small tools like these can help improve our healthy habits by a lot and its great Samsung is releasing these during the pandemic. Users can install the “Hand Wash” app for their Galaxy Watch straight from the Galaxy Store.
