Apple introduced the new iPhone SE last month priced starting at Rs. 42500. Few days back it also announced limited period offer for HDFC Bank cards making the effective price Rs. 38,900 after Rs. 3600 cashback. Today Flipkart has confirmed that it will sell the phone starting from May 20th at 12PM. Apple supplier Redington already confirmed that the phone will be available in 3500+ retail locations across India so the phone should also be available from Authorized Apple resellers on the same day.
To remind you, the phone is powered by A13 Bionic chip that powers by iPhone 11 series, but has 3GB of RAM. It comes with 4.7-inch HD Retina screen with Haptic Touch and still retains the Touch ID fingerprint sensor below the display. It has a glass and aluminum design, features single 12MP camera with 4k video recording and a 7MP front camera with 1080p HD video recording.
The phone comes with stereo speakers, Gigabit-class 4G LTE and a 1821 mAh lithium-ion battery with up to 13 hours video playback, Qi wireless charging, 18W fast charging (5w charger in the box).