Samsung has officially announced the Galaxy A21s after it surfaced earlier this week. It has a 6.5-inch HD+ Infinity-O display, is powered by a 2GHz Octa-Core processor, which is new Exynos 850, according to several rumors. It runs Android 10 with OneUI 2.0, comes with 48-megapixel rear camera along with an 8-megapixel ultra-wide, 2-megapixel depth and 2-megapixel macro sensor. There is also a 13-megapixel front camera.
It has a holographic design, rear-mounted fingerprint scanner and packs a 5000mAh battery.
Samsung Galaxy A21s specifications
- 6.5-inch (720×1600 pixels) HD+ Infinity-O display
- Exynos 850 Octa-Core (2GHz Quad + 2GHz Quad) processor
- 3GB RAM with 32 GB Internal Storagem 4GB/6GB RAM with 64GB internal storage, Micro SD slot (Up to 512GB)
- Android 10 with OneUI 2.0
- 48MP (f/2.0 primary) + 8MP (f/2.2 ultra-wide) + 2MP ( f/ 2.4 depth) + 2MP (f/2.4 macro)
- 13MP (f/2.2) front camera
- Rear Fingerprint sensor, Face Recognition
- 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 5.0, GPS + GLONASS, USB Type-C
- 5,000mAh (typical) battery with 15W Fast Charging
The Samsung Galaxy A21s comes in Black, White, Blue and Red colors, priced at £179 (US$ 216 / Rs. 16,410 approx.) or €209.9 (US$ 227 / Rs. 17,190 approx.) and will roll out in Europe and UK from June 19.