You can now download the Youtube app for your Symbian S60 phones
Clinton from ZomgItsCJ tried the app on his E75 and I tested it on my E71 which is S60 3rd Edition FP3
We put together a video demo of the right from the app installation to playing a couple of videos including Jai Ho from SlumDog Millionaire ( The Pussycat dolls version ) in which the Nokia 5800 was spotted
The App comes as a cool native sisx download
The UI is very simple and the menu options are straight forward ..
The color theme is very similar to the youtube website
Interesting Features
- Video Streaming
- Use Wifi / Gprs / EDGE
- Video Search
And no official announcement from google yet .. expect it soon.
And if you pay for data watch out ! dont blame us if your mobile bill sky rockets ! Act responsibly
And incase you want to see theĀ jai ho video on large screen
via CJ