Xiaomi’s Redmi brand just launched the Redmi Earbuds S wireless Bluetooth headset in India, as it had promised. The new Redmi AirDots S offers seamless switching between mono and binaural mode, features the latest Bluetooth 5.0 chip. It comes with dynamic sound drivers for enhanced bass and DSP environmental noise cancellation technology that elevates your calling experience. There is also 122ms low-latency game mode for gamers that can be enabled with three taps on the headset.
It weighs just 4.1 grams, has IPX4 ratings for water resistance, lets you Play/pause music just by tapping or double tap to launch voice assistant. It offers 4 hours of music playback on a single charge and the charging case offers up to 12 hours of backup.
Redmi Earbuds S specifications
- Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity with Realtek RTL8763BFR chip, connects to the phone immediately when you remove from the case
- 7.2mm dynamic driver unit
- Touch controls for music playback and launch voice assistant (Siri / Google Voice)
- 122ms low latency game mode
- DSP Environmental Noise Cancellation
- Dimensions Headphones: 26.65×16.4×21.6mm; Weight: 4.1g (Each)
- Dimensions Case: 62×40×27.2mm; Weight: 35.4g
- Water resistant (IPX4)
- 3 sets of silicone ear tips
- 43mAh battery on the headset offer 4 hours of battery life on a single charge, 300mAh battery on the charging case offers 12 hours of backup
The Redmi Earbuds S comes in Black color, is priced at Rs. 1799 and will go on sale on mi.com, Amazon.in, Mi Home and Mi Studio starting from tomorrow, May 27th.
Commenting on the launch, Anuj Sharma, Chief Marketing Officer, Xiaomi India said:
Redmi smartphones are known to be versatile and are benchmarks of performance in their category. We approached the audio category with the same credo. With Redmi Earbuds S we want to provide a stylish and exciting true wireless experience with class leading low latency while gaming. Features like the compact design and IPX4 rating increase the versatility of Redmi Earbuds S, allowing usage across different scenarios. We hope that with the Redmi Earbuds S, our consumers have a great audio experience.