Xbox Series X will add HDR, up to 120fps support to some older games

Microsoft already revealed the specifications of its upcoming Series X and recently it teased  13 new titles that are optimized for the console with 4K 120 fps support. Now the company has revealed support for backward game compatibility for the console. It said that the series X will double the fps count from 30 fps to 60 fps or 60 fps to 120 fps in select titles.

Microsoft said that backwards compatible games run natively on the Xbox Series X hardware, running with the full power of the CPU, GPU and the SSD and these titles also see significant reductions in in-game load times from the massive leap in performance from the custom NVME SSD which powers the Xbox Velocity Architecture.

The new Quick Resume feature can also be enabled for backward-compatible titles. Quick Resume enables players to resume exactly where they left off, across multiple titles, ensuring gamers can get right back to the fun in an instant.

The company said that the game compatibility team has invented brand-new techniques that enable even more titles to run at higher resolutions and image quality while still respecting the artistic intent and vision of the original creators.

Regarding the resurrection of older titles for the new Xbox, Jason Ronald, Director of Program Management for Xbox Series X, said:

The team also continues to listen to feedback from the community on additional titles you would like to see added to the compatibility program. Resurrecting titles from history often presents a complex mix of technical and licensing challenges, but the team is committed to doing everything we can to continue to preserve our collective gaming legacy.


Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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