Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel recently launched the Rs. 251 add-on pack with 50GB data benefit. Following that, Vodafone IDEA has also launched its new Rs. 251 prepaid data add-on pack that offers 50GB benefit.
Vodafone’s Rs. 251 add-on pack comes with a validity of 28 days and offers 50GB of 4G/3G/2G data. It is just an add-on data pack and doesn’t come with calling or SMS benefits. For reference, Reliance Jio’s Rs. 251 pack comes with 30 days validity and Airtel’s Rs. 251 pack validity is based on the current pack or base plan’s validity.
This prepaid add-on pack is available in selected circles as of now, and hopefully it would expand to all circles soon. It can be available on Vodafone IDEA’s website, app and should be available at all existing checkpoints.