It has been four months since POCO launched the POCO X2 mid-range smartphone in India. At the end of a new video titled “We’re #POCOForIndia”, POCO says that the next POCO for India is coming soon. POCO GM, C Manmohan says “Started with an intent of making some amazing products for India. We will pursue this dream of providing the best experience with the help of our fans”.
Last month POCO M2 Pro, a new smartphone in the POCO’s M series briefly showed up on the Xiaomi India website with the model number M2003J6CI. This is said to be a cheaper version of the POCO X2. POCO already confirmed that POCO F2 is a different smartphone from Redmi K30 Pro. So it is not clear if the teaser is for the POCO M2 Pro or the most expected POCO F2.
We’re coming with POCO Pop Buds but there’s something new.
It’s an audio product and that’s the only hint I can give. Any guesses what’s in store? 😉
P.S Please don’t ask me to name them ‘Q’
— C Manmohan #POCOForIndia (@cmanmohan) May 29, 2020
Last month POCO confirmed that POCO Pop Buds will be the name of its first true wireless earbuds that will be launched in India soon. POCO India GM recently said that the company will launch another audio product for India.
We will have to wait for more details in the coming weeks.