HUAWEI India has posted a puzzle on its social pages that hints at launch of MatePad T8 launch soon. It was introduced back in May packing an 8-inch HD+ display with 80% screen-to-body ratio, curved-edge metal body, is powered by the Octa-core MediaTek MT8768 SoC paired with 2GB RAM, 5MP autofocus rear camera and a 2MP front camera.
It runs on EMUI 10.0.1 based on Android 10 and packs a 5100mAh battery with support for 5W charging through a micro USB port and HUAWEI says that it offers 12 hours of local video playback and 12 hours of browsing web pages.
HUAWEI MatePad T8 specifications
- Display: 8-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) HD+ LCD screen
- SoC: Octa-Core MediaTek MT8768 (4 x 2.0GHz Cortex-A53 +4 x 1.5GHz Cortex-A53) with IMG GE8320 650 GPU
- RAM: 2GB
- ROM: 16GB/32GB; expandable memory up to 512GB
- OS: EMUI 10.0.1 based on Android 10
- Rear camera: 5MP AF f/2.2 aperture
- Front camera: 2MP f/2.4 aperture
- Dimensions: 199.7 x 121.1 x 8.55 mm; Weight: 310g
- Connectivity: LTE support, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac 2.4GHz and 5GHz, Bluetooth 5.0 LE, GPS, micro USB, 3.5mm jack
- Battery: 5100mAh with support for 5W charging
- Colour: Deepsea Blue
The HUAWEI MatePad T8 comes in Deepsea Blue colour. We should know more details in the coming days.