Google Chrome Beta v85 for Android introduces “Fast page” label for URLs

Google Chrome on Android is already known to be one of the fastest browsers offered to users, with multiple features that enable a speedy browsing experience. They are now testing a new feature in Chrome Beta v85 that will label fast links on the web via the link context menu.

The feature is quite simple and will help users identify links on sites that will be fast, providing for a better browsing experience. Labelling on Chrome will make use of Google’s Core Web Vitals program that quantify various metrics in a user’s browsing experience. These metrics include loading time, responsiveness, and the stability of content and Core Web Vitals define the thresholds for each metric.

Links to pages that meet or exceed these thresholds will now show a “Fast page” label when the user brings up the link context menu after long pressing the link. Chrome will also label a link as a “Fast Page” if the URL has been historically fast for other users.

Google is rolling out this feature to Chrome Beta v85 starting today. User can turn on the feature by enabling the flag – “Context menu performance info and remote hint fetching” in chrome://flags. Users must also have Lite mode or “Make Searches and Browsing Better” setting turned on.


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