After launching Redmi branded earphones in India recently, the company is gearing up to launch yet another smart accessory here. Redmi has started teasing the launch of the Redmi Smart Band in India that will be sold on
Redmi India took to Twitter to make the announcement where the tweet reads “Take an EXTRA lap. Go the EXTRA mile. Get yourself EXTRA fit. #RedmiSmartBand, dropping on 8.09.20 #WhatsYourScore”. Redmi Smart Band will be launched in India on September 8th, 2020, a day after the launch of Mi TV Horizon Edition. Redmi Smart Band was announced in China back in April for 99 yuan (US$ 14 / Rs. 1,060 approx.). We should know the price here once it is officially launched on September 8.
Redmi Smart Band specifications
- 1.08-inch (128 x 220 pixels) LCD colour 16 bit touch screen display with up to 200 nits brightness, 2D tempered glass
- Bluetooth 5.0 LE to connect to Android and iOS devices
- Shows time, steps, heart rate, activities, notifications from apps, calls and more
- 24/7 heart rate monitoring with heart rate alerts
- Monitors your fitness and tracks your sleep, Sedentary reminder
- 5 sports modes: outdoor running, exercise, cycling, treadmill, fast walking
- Tri-axis Accelerometer
- 13g ultra light body
- 5ATM (50 meters) water resistant
- 130mAh battery with up to 14 days of usage
- Strap colours: Black, Blue, Green, and Orange