Google Phone app gets Verified Calls feature to let you know why a business is calling

These days with apps like Truecaller, it is very easy to spot and avoid spam calls. However, there are situations when a business genuinely needs to make calls, but loses out as the customer falsely identifies it as spam and denies the call. To circumvent this, Google is introducing a new feature called Verified Calls in the Google Phone app.

With Verified calls, customers getting calls from businesses will see the caller’s name, logo, reason for calling and a verification symbol indicating the business has been authenticated by Google. With this knowledge, it is much easier for customers to differentiate between genuine calls and spam calls.

Having verified calls can improve the call answer rates, which in turn helps businesses save costs and increase customer trust in the business over the long run. Studies have also shown an increase in likelihood to purchase, brand satisfaction, and likelihood to recommend with verified calls.

Verified calls on the Google Phone app is first rolling out to U.S., Mexico, Brazil, Spain and India, with a wider rollout coming later. Google also confirmed that they will be releasing their Phone app to the Play Store in more countries soon, increasing compatibility to more Android phones


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