LG Electronics has announced the launch of their 8K OLED ZX series, their GX Gallery series TVs and 8 new models in the OLED TV, Nano-cell lineup in India. The 8K capable TVs feature LG’s newest α (Alpha) 9 Gen 3 AI 8K Processor and the 8K Ultra HD certification from the Consumer Technology Association, while the GX Gallery series features their minimalist wall mountable designs in a an ultra-thin form factor.
The 202 range LG TVs come with technologies like Dolby Vision IQ and even the Filmmaker Mode, which disables certain post-processing effects, while perfectly preserving correct aspect ratios, colors and frame rates of the original content.
The TVs also come with NVIDIA G-SYNC technology which enables smooth, tear-free gaming. Other gaming features include low input lag with HDMI 2.1 and a HGiG Mode for HDR gaming. All of LG’s TV will run their popular WebOS software, with support for wide variety of apps like Disney+ Hotstar, Netflix, Prime Videos, Zee5 etc. along with support for Apple Airplay and Apple Homekit.
LG’s new TV ranges will be available in retail stores, Amazon, LG’s online stores for a starting price of Rs. 14,990 going all the way to Rs. 29,99,990.
Commenting on the occasion, Hak Hyun Kim- Director – Home Entertainment – LG Electronics India said:
With a legacy of over 23 years of serving millions of consumers, we are strongly committed to the Indian market. Our constant endeavor is to develop products that are in line with the needs and aspirations of the consumers. With a strong manufacturing base in India and huge R&D team, the 2020 TV portfolio is designed keeping consumers at the core of innovation.