Telegram update v7.1.0 brings Search Filters, Anonymous Group admins and more

Telegram has released a new update to its app, bringing the version to 7.1.0. With it, Telegram is adding a few new features for its chats, which include filters for its Search function, anonymous group admins, Channel comments, new animations and of course, more animated emoji.

While the search function is common in most instant messaging apps, Telegram plans to stand out here by giving users the ability to filter out their search results based on Type, Time period and Source. The “Types” filter will be shown as tabs while the other two filters require you to simply type the filter in the search bar, like for example, “August 14” or “Yesterday” or simply type the name of any person, group, channel or bot.

Group admins now have the option to be anonymous. Once the option is turned on, every group admin name tag above each post will be signed with the group name and the admin’s name will also be hidden in the member list.

A neat little feature being added in Channels and discussion groups is the ability to add comments to a post. This will create a mini-thread for that particular post where members can participate in a mini discussion, keeping clutter away from the main group.

There are new animations in the Android Telegram app when you open/close your keyboard, switch between day/night themes, animated pop ups when deleting messages, changing notifications, saving media, and you can now preview the chat lists of other signed-in accounts by long pressing the account picture. And finally, as we mentioned earlier, there are new animated emoji.

You can install the Telegram 7.1.0 here from the Play Store and the App Store.

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