WhatsApp introduced storage management feature back in 2017 to offer detailed break-up of the amount of space chats, images, GIFs, videos, audio messages, and documents take up on your device. Now it has started rolling out a redesigned storage management tool that conveniently groups both large files and media that has been forwarded many times, sorts files by size in descending order, and provides a way to preview files before deleting them.
WhatsApp also offers a preview of media before selecting one or multiple items to delete. The new storage management tool can be accessed from Settings → Storage and data → Manage storage. It has ‘Forwarded Many Times’ tab and ‘Review and Delete Items’ tab with ‘Larger than 5 MB’ sorting option as default to clean up files easily.
WhatsApp has also posted a video that shows how the feature works and free up a large amount of space by clearing the duplicate items. The update is already rolling out to Android users.