Along with the MacBook Air and the MacBook Pro, Apple introduced the new Mac mini with its new M1 chip with 8-core CPU offering up to 3x faster performance than the previous generation with Intel Core processor. The 8-core GPU promises up to 6x increase in graphics performance for performance-intensive tasks like complex 3D rendering with ease. It offers up to 15x faster performance in ML and consumes 60% less energy than the previous generation.
The new Mac mini features an advanced thermal design to sustain its breakthrough performance while staying cool and quiet, comes with support for up to two displays including Apple’s Pro Display XDR in full 6K resolution with dual Thunderbolt / USB 4 ports. It has Wi-Fi 6 support and the Secure Enclave in M1 offers the best-in-class security. It has up to 8GB RAM, which is configurable up to 16GB and 256GB or 512GB options, which is configurable up to 2TB.
The new Mac mini with M1 chip is priced at Rs. 64,900 for the 256GB version and the 512GB version costs 84,900. This is a lot cheaper than the Intel version. It is already available to order from Apple online store and will be available from Apple Authorised Resellers offline and online in India soon.