Vivo launched the V20 Pro smartphone in India last week running Funtouch OS 11 on top of Android 10. The company at the launch said that the phone will get the Android 11 update in the first week of December. As promised, it has released the update for the phone today.
To remind you, the phone packs a 6.44-inch FHD+ 20:9 AMOLED display, in-display fingerprint scanner, 44MP (primary with f/2.0 aperture) camera with eye autofocus + 8MP (ultra-wide with f/2.28 aperture) camera, Snapdragon 765G 5G Mobile Platform, 64MP (primary with f/1.89) + 8MP (a wide-angle lens that can capture macro/bokeh shots as well) and a 2MP (Mono with f/2.4 aperture) camera and a 4000mAh battery with support for 33W vivo Energy Guardian FlashCharge technology.
The Vivo V20 Pro Android 11 update is 3.59GB in size and has build number PD2020F_EX_A_1.70.6. Check out the changelog below.
Added notification history so users can easily review various previously received notifications
Added the priority chat function to pin corresponding notifications at the top of the notification bar so you can see important messages immediately
Added the chat bubble function with the options to enable or disable chat bubbles so you can turn chat notifications into bubbles that float on the screen and tap a bubble to quickly enter that conversation, as well as customize settings to choose the form of notifications.