OnePlus has been teasing its first OnePlus Watch on its social channels ahead of launch on March 23rd, which is tomorrow. Recently the company’s CEO Pete Lau posted an image of the watch on weibo that shows a circular dial, metal casing and a curved screen. It shows two buttons on the right side and the watch has a sports strap.
On Twitter, he confirmed that the smartwatch will support over 110 work-out modes. The image shows walking, workout, badminton, elliptical, running, cricket, swimming and more.
The CEO last week confirmed that it won’t run Wear OS and run a custom smart wear operating system developed based on RTOS, which the company says will provide a smooth and reliable experience while offering a great battery life.
It is said to come with an AMOLED screen, SpO2 sensor, in addition to heart rate sensor, IP68 dust and water resistance, 4GB of storage and is rumoured to include OnePlus’ Warp Charge fast charging technology.
According to the latest rumours, it will be priced at €150 (Rs. 12,935 approx.), but it is expected to be cheaper in India.