Telegram CEO reveals support for group video calls feature is coming in May

In 2020, we witnessed a massive surge in video calls, which spurred many messaging services to improve upon their video calling capabilities. Telegram will soon be adding video calls support into their voice chat feature, complete with features such as screen-sharing, encryption and more.

Telegram’s CEO and founder, Pavel Durov, revealed in his official Telegram channel that the company is working on introducing video calls into their voice chat feature in an update that is coming next month. Similar to other video conferencing tools, video calls in Telegram’s voice chats will have advanced features such as Screen sharing, encryption, noise-cancellation, and it will be supported on all of Telegram’s platforms, including the desktop and tablet.

Telegram is reportedly aiming at becoming a powerful platform for group video calls, which would make them a lot more useful as a messaging app. Not much else was revealed about the upcoming feature other than the fact that it will have “Telegram-level UI, speed and encryption”, which are expected. The company has a proven track record of only introducing features that will work seamlessly when it is rolled out.