Infinix India extends smartphone warranty by 2-months if they expire before June 15th

In light of the recent lockdown and the surge of COVID-19 cases across the country, Infinix has announced that they will be extended the warranty of eligible smartphones by 60 days. This extension will apply to smartphones who have their warranties expiring between April 15 and June 15.

Infinix is one among the many smartphone companies in India that are extending their warranties as customers are restricted from getting to service centres in situations where an Infinix smartphone needs repairs.

To check for eligibility, Infinix customers can use the pre-installed CarlCare Mobile. Customers will need to be registered on the app before June 30, 2021 to be remain eligible.

To extend the warranty, users can do the following:

  •  Open the CarlCare app and click on the warranty button on the home page
  • Check the validity of the device by entering IMEI
  • If the device is eligible for extension, a 60 days extended warranty option will be visible. Click on Receive to extend the warranty.

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