Xiaomi launched the Mi TV 4A Horizon Edition series of smart TVs in India that includes 32-inch HD ready and 43-inch Full HD models with immersive Horizon display with minimal bezels back in September last year. Today it has confirmed the launch of new 40-inch model in the country on June 1st. The company has confirmed Horizon Display with bezel-less design and the image matches it.
To remind you, the company’s older smart TVs feature Vivid Picture Engine (VPE), a set of software and hardware tweaks that ensures accurate screen calibration, deeper contrasts and perfect colour reproduction. We can expect similar feature in the model including Full HD display with high screen to body ratio, 20W speakers, DTS audio and more.
The Mi TV 4A Horizon Edition 43-inch was launched at Rs. 22,999 last year, but it is currently selling for Rs. 25,999. We can expect the smaller 40-inch model to be cheaper than that. We should know more details about the new Horizon Edition smart TV in the coming days and the exact price when it is launched next Tuesday.