Along with the OnePlus Nord CE 5G, OnePlus will also launch the OnePlus TV U Series U1S in India on June 10. The company said that the new U Series TVs will deliver a premium product experience with its superior display, minimalistic design and a host of curated streaming experiences across different screen sizes and price segments in India.
The company launched the first generation U series TVs in 55″ 4K model, so this year we can expect more models in the new U1S series. The company will reveal details about the TV every few days starting next week till the launch on its website and It also confirmed the timeline of the sale for Red Cable Club members and open sale.
The OnePlus Summer Launch Event for India and Europe is set for June 10 and starts at 7 PM IST.
Commenting on the upcoming TV launch, Pete Lau, Founder and CEO, OnePlus, said:
Since our entry into the smart TV industry in India, we have quickly become one of the most sought-after smart TV brands in the country. Now, we are excited to bring our new addition to the OnePlus TV U Series that will continue delivering a truly seamless smart TV experience for our community. As we continue to build our connected device portfolio, our new smart TV will further elevate the intelligent ecosystem experience for our users. As always, consistent market analysis and community feedback continue to shape our product offerings for the India market.