Xiaomi launched Mi 11X series back in April 2021 in India. The Mi 11X series devices run Android 11 with the company’s proprietary skin – MIUI 12 on top. The Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro are rebranded Redmi K40 and Redmi K40 Pro+, which launched back in February 2021 in China. These smartphones are available as POCO F3 and Mi 11i respectively in Global markets.
Xiaomi doesn’t follow any fixed update frequency for the MIUI Global Stable ROM but on average, the Global Stable ROM is updated once in a couple of months. This post will help our readers in keeping track of MIUI updates for Mi 11X (codename ‘alioth’) and Mi 11X Pro (codename ‘haydn)’.
Note that Xiaomi follows a staged rollout and the updates are randomly pushed to a limited number of users and a broader rollout usually takes a few days after the company makes sure there are no critical bugs.
Also take a look at Xiaomi, Redmi and POCO Android 12 Update Tracker
Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro MIUI 13 Updates,
- [Mar 28, 2022]: Xiaomi 11X Android 12 based MIUI 13 Stable update is now rolling out in India. The update comes with firmware version MIUI, weighs 3.1GB in size and brings February 2022 Android security patch to the device.
System Stable MIUI based on Android 12 Updated Android Security Patch to February 2022. Increased system security. More features and improvements New: Apps can be opened as floating windows directly from the sidebar Optimization: Enhanced accessibility support for Phone, Clock, and Weather Optimization: Mind map nodes are more convenient and intuitive now
- [Mar 8, 2022]: Xiaomi 11 X Pro MIUI 13 Stable update with firmware version MIUI is now rolling out widely. [Download Link]
- [Mar 4, 2022]: Xiaomi 11X Pro Android 12 based MIUI 13 Stable update is now rolling out for Pilot testers in India. Xiaomi 11X Pro MIUI 13 update comes with firmware version MIUI, weighs 3.1GB in size and brings February 2022 Android security patch to the device.
System Stable MIUI based on Android 12 Updated Android Security Patch to February 2022. Increased system security. More features and improvements New: Apps can be opened as floating windows directly from the sidebar Optimization: Enhanced accessibility support for Phone, Clock, and Weather Optimization: Mind map nodes are more convenient and intuitive now
Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro MIUI 12.5 Updates,
- [Dec 19, 2021]: Xiaomi Mi 11X MIUI update is now rolling out in India. The update weighs 201MBs in size. [Download Link]
- [Dec 1, 2021]: Xiaomi Mi 11X Pro MIUI update is now rolling out in India. The update weighs 204MBs in size. [Download Link]
- [Oct 16, 2021]: Xiaomi, with MIUI China Beta 21.10.13 update, brings Android 12 to Redmi K40 (known as Mi 11X in India and POCO F3 Globally).
- [Oct 6, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out Android 12 update with version for Mi 11i (known as Mi 11X Pro in India).
- [Sep 29, 2021]: Mi 11X Pro MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Stable update is now rolling out in India. The update comes as MIUI, weighs 401MBs and brings September 2021 Android security patch to the device. [Download Link]
MIUI12.5 Enhanced Swift performance. More life between the charges. Focused algorithms: Our new algorithms will dynamically allocate system resources based on specific scenes, ensuring smooth experience on all models. Atomized memory: Ultra-fine memory management mechanism will make RAM usage more efficient. Liquid storage: New sensitive storage mechanisms will keep your system vibrant and responsive as time goes by. Smart balance: Core system improvements allow your device to make the best of the flagship hardware specs. System Updated Android Security Patch to September 2021. Increased system security. Lock screen Optimization: App vault memory usage when device is locked Fix: "Raise to wake" turned off unexpectedly in some cases Fix: Issues with the Lock screen clock when third party themes and super wallpapers were used Status bar, Notification shade Optimization: Algorithms for displaying incoming call notifications Fix: Floating notifications overlapped when the transparent background was used Fix: Permission dialog elements overlapped after a notification was long pressed Fix: Notifications weren't displayed correctly after missed calls
- [Sep 24, 2021]: Xiaomi, with MIUI China Beta 21.9.22 update, brings Android 12 to Redmi K40 Pro+ (known as Mi 11X Pro in India and Mi 11i Globally).
- [Sep 18, 2021]: Mi 11X MIUI update is now rolling out in India. The changelogs remain the same as in the last update. [Download Link]
- [Sep 14, 2021]: Mi 11X MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Stable update is once again rolling out in India. The update comes with version MIUI and weighs 74MBs in size. [Download Link]
MIUI12.5 Enhanced Swift performance. More life between the charges. Focused algorithms: Our new algorithms will dynamically allocate system resources based on specific scenes, ensuring smooth experience on all models. Atomized memory: Ultra-fine memory management mechanism will make RAM usage more efficient. Liquid storage: New sensitive storage mechanisms will keep your system vibrant and responsive as time goes by. Lock screen New: New fingerprint options Fix: Memory usage issues when charging animation was displayed Fix: Using Face unlock and Fingerprint unlock simultaneously led to crashes in some cases Fix: Lock screen notifications disappeared after an ended call Fix: Lock screen items weren't displayed when super wallpapers and themes were combined Status bar, Notification shade Optimization: Third party theme compatibility for Notification shade Optimization: Dark mode adjustments for notifications Fix: Notifications weren't displayed correctly when App lock was used Fix: Cleaner animations weren't displayed correctly Fix: Notification shade couldn't be opened in some cases Fix: Issues with permissions after missed calls Fix: Player controls weren't always displayed in the Notification shade Fix: Notifications weren't always displayed correctly when "Raise to wake" was used Fix: Buttons weren't always displayed correctly on the notifications when Dark mode was on
- [Sep 3, 2021]: Mi 11X MIUI 12.5 Enhanced Stable update is now rolling out in India, soon after it was announced last week. This update comes as MIUI, weighs 410MBs in size and brings August 2021 Android security patch. [Download Link]
MIUI12.5 Enhanced Swift performance. More life between the charges. Focused algorithms: Our new algorithms will dynamically allocate system resources based on specific scenes, ensuring smooth experience on all models. Atomized memory: Ultra-fine memory management mechanism will make RAM usage more efficient. Liquid storage: New sensitive storage mechanisms will keep your system vibrant and responsive as time goes by. Lock screen Fix: Using Face unlock and Fingerprint unlock simultaneously led to crashes in some cases Fix: Lock screen notifications disappeared after an ended call (Status bar, Notification shade) Fix: Cleaner animations weren't displayed correctly
- [Jul 23, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI update for Mi 11X Pro users in India. It weighs 107MBs in size, and brings July 2021 Android security patch to the device. [Download Link]
Optimization: Updated Android Security Patch to July 2021. Increased system security.
- [Jul 7, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI update for Mi 11X users in India. It weighs 336MBs in size, and brings bug fixes. It still has May Android security patch. [Download Link]
Status bar, Notification shade Fix: Notifications flashed in some cases
- [Jun 23, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI update for Mi 11X Pro users in India. It weighs 553MBs in size, and brings July 2021 Android security patch to the device. [Download Link]
System New: Response to gestures is now instant. New: With 20 times more rendering power, there are now few limits to what you can see on your screen. New: With custom device model adjustments, any phone becomes faster after the upgrade. Optimization: MIUI became lighter, faster, and more durable. Updated Android Security Patch to June 2021. Increased system security. Notes New: A gesture shortcut now allows you to create notes, tasks, and excerpts anywhere. New: Excerpts save text, URLs, and images to Notes in a few simple taps. New: Dynamic layouts bring the typography in Notes to a new level. New: Compose mind maps with complex structures. New: New tools for doodling and sketching. New: Press and hold a sketch to adjust the strokes automatically. All-new Notes.
- [May 28, 2021]: Xiaomi has started rolling out MIUI 12.5 Stable update for Mi 11X users in India. The update comes as MIUI, weighs 487MB in size, and brings May 2021 Android security patch to the device, but it is still the interim version, so several options are missing and will be added in an update later. [Download Link]
System New: With custom device model adjustments, any phone becomes faster after the upgrade. New: Response to gestures is now instant. New: With 20 times more rendering power, there are now few limits to what you can see on your screen. Optimization: MIUI became lighter, faster, and more durable. Updated Android Security Patch to May 2021. Increased system security. Notes New: Excerpts save text, URLs, and images to Notes in a few simple taps. New: Dynamic layouts bring the typography in Notes to a new level. New: Compose mind maps with complex structures. New: New tools for doodling and sketching. New: Press and hold a sketch to adjust the strokes automatically. New: A gesture shortcut now allows you to create notes, tasks, and excerpts anywhere. All-new Notes. Xiaomi Cloud New: Location info can be now reported automatically before the device is powered off
- [Apr 26, 2021]: Xiaomi is now rolling out MIUI update for Mi 11X users in India. The update brings Dolby effects to the devices. [Download Link]
Highlights New: Dolby effects
- [Mar 22, 2021]: Xiaomi has released Android 11 based Kernel source codes for Mi 11X (alioth).
Spotted a newer software version for Mi 11X or Mi 11X Pro? Tip us on Twitter!