Last month realme confirmed that it will launch the realme GT 5G powered by Snapdragon 888 globally starting from Europe from June, after it was introduced in China in March. Today, at the realme 5G summit, the company confirmed that it will launch a new realme GT camera flagship globally in July.
Earlier the realme 5G summit page in India display realme GT 5G phone as coming soon, but now it has been removed and is present only in the Europe site, so it is not clear if the phone will launch in India as well this month.
In 2020, realme launched 14 5G smartphones in 21 markets, accounting for about 40% of all product models. By 2022, the company expects to the number to be more than 20, accounting for 70% of all product models across 50 markets.
It already announced that it will be setting up seven dedicated 5G R&D teams across the globe, and will dedicate 90% of its R&D resources and invest US $300 Million globally in 5G technology research and product development over the next 2 years. Today it said that it will set up R&D centres in China, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South East Asia, India, Middle East & Africa and Latin America. Over the next 3 years, realme plans to sell 100 million 5G smartphones worldwide.
At the end of the event Madhav Sheth, Vice President, realme and CEO, realme India & Europe said that we can expect 5G phones in India priced under Rs. 10,000 next year.