After being leaked a few weeks ago, Clubhouse has begun rolling out their private messaging feature called Backchannels to both the iOS and Android app. The feature will enable both 1-on-1 and group conversations, expanding upon the ways of communicating on the app.
While Clubhouse provides a great experience when it comes to audio-based communication, there are times when the participants in a room would prefer to use text as an extra form of communication. To solve this, Clubhouse introduced Backchannels.
With Backchannels, users, including both the host and participants, can discuss with others in real time. For example, hosts can talk with other co-hosts about what question to ask next, or decide who to pull up from the audience, while participants can chat with other friends in the room itself.
Speakers can also take questions from the audience in text form, providing an alternative for participants without needing to go up on stage. Lastly, Backchannels is useful to coordinate with co-hosts, organize questions, decide on guests, and more.
The Clubhouse update with backchannels has already begun rolling out to both iOS and Android users, and the company is working on bringing new features for backchannels in the coming weeks.