The Sony Ericsson XPERIA PLAY aka Playstation phone is already available in stores across India. We walked into one outlet in Chennai and spotted retail units of both the PLAY and the ARC. The packing is pretty simple and bears the Playstation Certified logo.
The box contents are expected to as following :-
- Phone
- Battery
- Charger
- 8GB memory card
- USB Cable
- Screen protector
- Pouch
- Stereo headset
- User Guide
The Sony Playstation 3 full fledged gaming console costs under Rs.25000(560 USD) in the market. But the handset is priced above the same at Rs.35,000 (MRP) and is available for Rs.31,000-32,000 at some retailers.
While we are still waiting for our review unit from Sony Ericsson to arrive . Would you buy the XPERIA Play ?
The handset is set to be officially unveiled probably by Kareena Kapoor on April 7th