Amazfit has launched Zepp Z, the company’s latest premium smartwatch with Titanium Alloy body in India as it is celebrating it 3-year anniversary in India. It has a 1.39-inch AMOLED screen with 50+ Watch Faces, Heart rate sensor as well as and blood oxygen / SpO2 monitoring, GPS support, Alexa voice assistant, 12 sports modes, and 340mAh battery promises up to 15 days of battery life.
Amazfit Zepp Z specifications
- 1.39-inch (454 x 454 pixels) AMOLED 326PPI screen with up to 550 nits brightness, Corning Gorilla Glass protection
- Bluetooth 5.0 with Support for Android and iOS
- 12 Sport Modes including Outdoor Running, Walking, Indoor Cycling, Open Water Swimming, Elliptical, Pool Swimming, Climbing, Trail Running, Treadmill, Skiing, Free Training, Outdoor Cycling
- Activity Tracking (Heart Rate, Distance, Step Count, Calorie Count), Sleep (Light, Deep, REM and Sleep Stages), Stress Levels (Relaxed, Normal, Medium or High)
- Alexa voice assistant
- Huami’s self-developed BioTracker, 2 PPG (support Blood-oxygen Saturation Measurement (SpO2)) biological data sensor, Accelerometer, Gyroscope sensor, Geomagnetic Sensor, Air Pressure Sensor, Ambient Light sensor
- Water resistant (5ATM / 50 Meters)
- Dimensions: 45.9×45.9×10.75 mm; Weight: 40g (without band)
- 340mAh battery with up to 15 days battery life
The Amazfit Zepp Z comes in Titanium colour with a Brown leather strap, is priced at Rs. 25,999 and will be available from tomorrow, July 20 from