Telegram update v7.9 brings support for group videos calls up to a 1000 participants, screen sharing with sound and more

Telegram has begun rolling a new update to their instant messaging app on iOS and Android which adds support for multiple new features such as the ability to have group video calls with up to a 1000 participants, higher quality video messages, screen sharing with sound, improved chat animations and more.

The first major upgrade in the update is to group video calls, where Telegram will allow up to 30 users to broadcast video from both their camera and screen and also support up to 1000 people to view the call.

Sending video messages on Telegram have also been improved with higher resolution and with the added ability to tap on a video message to expand it. Along with this, there are also now controls for video playback speed, including 0.5x, 1.5x and 2x playback speeds.

Screen sharing is now available for 1-1 calls and they will also support sound from the users device.

Other features that have been added include:

  • A new ‘one month’ option when enabling to auto-deletion of messages.
  • When editing a picture, the brush size will now decrease as the user zooms in for more precision drawing.
  • There are new prompts in Settings to help users enter their Two-Step Verification password, and there are new passcode animations.
  • For iOS users, the camera UI has been revamped and they can now choose multiple recipients for forwarded messages with the ‘Select’ button.
  • Profile pictures will now follow the messages when scrolling in the chat and text messages have new lightweight animations when being sent.

Telegram v7.9 is available for download via the Play Store for Android and App Store for iOS. Android users can also directly install the app from their website.

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