LG recently launched the much awaited Optimus 2X and Optimus Black in India. And now, the company is expected to launch its first tablet device, the LG Optimus Pad in India. This device was announced at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011 in Barcelona and it runs on the Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) Operating System. LG Optimus Pad is the first tablet to feature the 3D display capabilities. This device is expected to launch during June in India.
According to Vishal Chopra, LG Electronics business head for mobile communications, the tablet might be priced below Rs.30,000 in the India market, depending on currency valuation and import duties at the time of the launch. The company is expected to sale more than 2000 units of Optimus Pad each month in India.
If you are still unaware of the specs, then let me once again tell you that, LG Optimus Pad features a 8.9 inch touchscreen display, 1 GHz Dual-core NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor, Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) OS, 5 megapixel camera with 2D recording in full HD (1080p) and 3D video recording in HD (720p), WiFi, Bluetooth, 3G connectivity, GPS and more.
LG plans to launch a couple of sub- Rs 10,000 smartphones in India. The company will begin manufacturing smartphones from its factory in Pune from this month. LG is following the Nokia’s strategy of launching 40% smartphones out of the total handsets manufactured in this year. LG Optimus Pad will be the first Android Honeycomb powered tablet to launch in India. Will you buy the LG Optimus Pad in June? Or you will wait for the powerful Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Galaxy Tab 8.9? Let us know your views.