Keyboard-less webOS phone leaked, Pre 3 headed to Verizon

WebOS was announced by Palm back in January 2009, and last year it was acquired by HP. Back in February, HP officially announced several new devices which include their first ever webOS tablet Touchpad and successor to Pre 2 known as Pre 3. Now our friends over at PreCentral got their hands on the images of two new WebOS phones. First one is the Pre 3 which is a successor to Pre 2, and in the screenshot above, we can see that it’s running on Verizon Wireless network. The actual phone comes with both GSM and CDMA radio, and the one in the image above is a prototype version. So what I think is that Pre 3 will be a world phone on Verizon. HP announced that they will launch this phone this summer.

The second image is of a keyboard-less WebOS phone which is named as Stingray. This is actually a device WebOS folks are looking forward to from a long time. It’s rumored that it comes with a 480×800 display and also features a front-facing camera, but the little spot could be a proximity sensor too. The tipster is calling it an EVO with a WebOS, which means that the phone comes with a big display and good features like EVO. Well folks, that’s all we know about the phone right now. Hopefully HP will announce it anytime this summer. So WebOS fans, is today your lucky day?

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