Virgin Mobile Reduces Get Paid On Incoming Benefit

Remember the inauguration ceremony of Virgin mobile in India, which marketed its brand in a “Hatke Style” by paying for every incoming call that its customer would receive.

During the inauguration, people were just crazy after getting a Virgin connection so that even they can reduce their huge mobile bills by getting paid for receiving calls. Previously Virgin used to pay 10 paisa for every 60 seconds of incoming calls but its sad to know that the incoming benefit has been reduced to 5 paisa per 60 seconds of incoming calls.

According to sources, the incoming benefit of 5 paisa is already applicable for for new connections and the existing customer can continue earning 10 paisa per 60 seconds till 30th of April.

Deepak: As Deepak says - he is a die hard mobile freak and can hardly keep himself away from his mobiles. His passion for mobiles led him to an interview at India's popular news channel. He also blogs at
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