Android 12 Beta 5 hints at Pixel overheating protection when charging

Most of us know that when you charge your Android smartphone, the device can get warm, or in some cases, quite hot. Google is working on a feature in Android 12 now for Pixel devices, where the phone will slow down the charging if it detects overheating and also notify the user.

Currently, Pixel devices already have a few charging limitations that are designed to protect the smartphone. For example, when it detects that the device has been connected to a charger for extended periods of time, it will automatically limit the charging capacity to 80%.

Within the code of Android 12 Beta 5, certain lines suggest that Google will begin slowing down the charging rate when the smartphone starts to overheat. The device will notify the user when the limit kicks in and resume charging once the device cools down to safer temperatures.

It is unclear whether Google will also limit the battery capacity to 80% if it detects overheating. For now, it only suggests that that it will slow down the charging. It is also unclear if the feature will come to older Android versions.

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