Redmi today confirmed the launch of new Smart TVs that offer All-Round Smart Entertainment on September 22nd. These will come in 32-inch and 43-inch models, but the company has not confirmed if both these will be Full HD TVs. Both Redmi and Xiaomi TVs are available with 32-inch HD screens. These could replace the Mi TV 4A 32″ and 43″ models. Redmi launched the X50, X55 and X65 series 4K TVs in the country back in March.
The teaser image confirms 20W speakers with Dolby Audio and DTS Virtual:X and Vivo Picture Engine for brighter and crisper visuals. The TVs will come with the latest PatchWall 4 with IMDB integration and will also be one of the first models to run Android 11 OS. These will also come with dual-band Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and Auto Low Latency mode, which the company says will make the TV future-ready.
The teaser also shows minimal bezels for the TVs. We should know all the details including the price when these go official next Wednesday. The models will be sold on, in addition to and offline stores.