At the realme GT Neo2 event, realme also launched the new gaming accessories – Mobile Game Trigger, Cooling Back Clip Neo and Type-C SuperDart Game Cable in India. The company already launched Mobile Game Controller and Cooling Back Clip earlier this year. The realme Cooling Back Clip Neo adpots a semiconductor combination heat sink to dissipate heat with an efficient cooling effect and a huge dissipation area. The realme Mobile Game Trigger features an intuitive clip on design adapted to current mainstream models.
Highlights of realme Mobile Game Trigger
- Physical buttons for latency-free control
- Zinc alloy buttons and built-in micro-switches are responsive to touch reactivity
- Small and flexible groove clamping design effectively prevents the side buttons from being touch by mistake
Highlights of realme Cooling Back Clip Neo
- Built-in Semiconductor cooling fins and multiple radiators cover 36.38cm² of heating part of the mobile phone. The temperature in this area can be reduced by as much as 14°C
- Compact body as light as 75.9g
- Fan runs at a high speed with super-low noise to dissipate heat and has colorful light
- Retractable clamping design with width that can be stretched between 64 and 85mm
The Type-C SuperDart Game Cable has a braided durable nylon outer finish that makes it durable and a 7.6mm ultra-narrow elbow design to keep your hand out of the way when gaming. The cable supports 65W SuperDart fast charging and multi-charging system.
Pricing and availability
The realme Mobile Game Trigger is priced at Rs. 699, the realme Cooling Back Clip Neo costs Rs. 999 and the realme Type-C SuperDart Game Cable is priced at Rs. 599 and will be available from and offline stores from October 18th.