Google Workspace enables work profiles on Android for unmanaged users

Ever since the pandemic, the culture of working from home has become commonplace, and for some people it has become harder to maintain a clear Work-life balance. To improve the situation, Google has enabled Work Profiles for unmanaged devices, which should help anyone using Android for business purposes to separate work and personal apps.

With Work Profiles, Android users could essentially the interface into Personal and Work, each with its own set of apps. This feature was helpful in separating the personal and work apps within the same Android smartphone.

Till date, the feature was only available for users who had a managed account and then your company’s IT services would need to enable it. This became a problem for small businesses owners and freelancers who did not have a managed account.

Google has now announced that Work Profiles on Android will soon be available to unmanaged users with a business identity. It will first be available to Google Workspace users first starting next year, and will expand to more users later.