Twitter reports $1.28 billion in revenue in Q3 2021, 211 million monetizable DAUs, up 13% YoY

Social media giant Twitter has released their earnings report for Q3 2021, which records an earnings of $1.28 billion in revenue, and a 13% YoY growth in Monetizable Daily Active Usage (mDAU). As part of the total revenue, Advertising revenue contributed $1.18 billion, while Data licensing and other revenue totaled $143 million.

The $1.28 billion earned in revenue during Q3 2021 calculates to a growth of 37% YoY. The U.S. continues to be Twitter’s largest market, with $742 million in revenue, while Japan was their second-largest market, with $159 million in revenue. Total international revenue was $542 million for the quarter.

Average mDAU was 211 million during the quarter, which is an increase of 13% YoY. Region-wise, mDAU in the US grew by 4%, while international mDAU grew by 13% YoY. The company operated on a net loss of $537 million in Q3 and had diluted EPS of $0.67.

Commenting on their Q3 2021 earnings, Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO said:

I am proud of our third quarter results. We’re improving personalization, facilitating conversation, delivering relevant news, and finding new ways to help people get paid on Twitter. Average monetizable DAU (mDAU) reached 211 million, up 13% year over year in Q3, accelerating from 11% year over year growth in Q2, driven by ongoing product improvements and global conversation around current events.

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