Getting exams results only with a few steps is now made possible with the collaboration of IMImobile and National Network Education (NNE).This move has been initiated by National Network Education that has several online portals, providing results of several, central and regional, exams under a single place i.e. its web portal.
NNE have now went one step ahead by collaborating with a 2 way SMS service provider – IMImobile using which any student can request their marks by just sending an SMS – ‘RESULT’ to 56263.
Well, there were already several other services providing results via SMS service, but this one by NNE is one of its kind because it provides marks of almost all the exams held over the country.
So, this time while checking your results, don’t bother of switching on your PC and searching various sites for exam results. Just send an SMS as “RESULT” to 56263 and follow the instructions to get your exam results.