Qualcomm confirms easier-to-follow branding starting with upcoming Snapdragon 8-series platform

Qualcomm has confirmed a new, simplified and consistent naming structure for its platforms. Starting with its upcoming flagship Snapdragon 8-series platform, its Snapdragon mobile platforms will transition to a single-digit series and generation number, which the company says will align with other product categories.

The company also announced that it has separated the Qualcomm and Snapdragon brands, with specific ties to the Qualcomm brand where appropriate. The iconic “fireball” will gain new prominence and manifest itself in new visual assets and other creative executions. This will be introduced at its Snapdragon Tech Summit 2021 that begins November 30th.

As you can see in the header image, which is a screen grab from the teaser video, gold will now be used to represent only its premium-tier products, which is the 8 series. It will also use Midnight, Gunmetal, Nickel and Snapdragon Red colours for other products.

Qualcomm also said that moving forward, with Snapdragon connected platforms, 5G will no longer be a part of the SoC branding. It also said that All badges will be redesigned with a cleaner, modern, and straightforward look and feel.

Qualcomm’s automotive portfolio will be Snapdragon branded at the platform and experience layer level, e.g., Snapdragon Ride Platform and Snapdragon Digital Chassis. We should know more details about the next flagship Snapdragon SoC is introduced next week.

Regarding this, Don McGuire, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Qualcomm Technologies, said:

As we look to the future and anticipate continued growth across platforms, features and experiences, it’s time to reflect on the bold steps taken to grow Snapdragon into a leading cross-category technology brand and prepare for what’s next. As our audience grows and affinity builds, Snapdragon will be at the heart of more devices than ever before, inspiring new fans around the world.

Our brand will need a bigger tent, a longer playing field so to speak, to broaden its appeal while keeping true to its core. With this in mind we’re applying new creative thinking, celebrating our brand iconography while modernizing, streamlining, and simplifying. We’re giving Snapdragon room for continued recognition and relevance with current fans, and for discovery and resonance with new ones. And we couldn’t be more thrilled with the evolution. It’s new, it’s fresh, and it’s time.

We’ve entered a new era for our Snapdragon brand, which will always stand for premium performance. And we’ll continue to build upon the brand as we do our technology, rising beyond the expectations of consumers and creating the premium experiences they deserve.


Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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