Google’s upcoming Pixel Watch, codenamed Rohan, is said to be in the works and launch sometime in 2022. The renders of the upcoming Pixel Watch showcasing a round dial also appeared on the web earlier this month. Now, a new report by 9to5Google reveals that the upcoming Pixel Watch might be powered by Samsung’s Exynos processor and offer a next-generation Google Assistant.
In a recent version of the Google app, the 9to5Google team found a mention of PIXEL_EXPERIENCE_WATCH which suggests that the first smartwatch from Mountain View tech giant will carry Pixel branding. This also means that Google might take an approach similar to Pixel-branded smartphones, and might offer exclusive features on the upcoming Pixel Watch.
These features will be the differentiating factor between the Pixel Watch and other Wear OS-powered smartwatches, including Fitbit smartwatches. One of these exclusive features could be the next-generation Google Assistant. In various versions of the Google app, references for the same have been spotted.
To those unaware, Google makes use of next-generation Assistant on its Google Pixel lineup which enables it to deliver results faster as it processes speech directly on the device, instead of Google’s cloud servers. Also, the 9to5Google team dug into the WearOS code and found evidence suggesting that the upcoming smartwatch with codename Rohan might feature an Exynos chip under the hood.
There is also a possibility that Google might go with an Exynos-based Tensor chip for its upcoming smartwatch. To those unaware, Google Pixel 6 devices make use of the Tensor GS 101 chipset, which is basically an Exynos processor with hardware enhancements. Google might have decided to go with the Exynos chipset, since a powerful chipset is required to process speech directly on the device.