Twittix – A Twitter Client for Symbian Phones

Hot on the heels of Gravity, the recently launched S60 Twitter Client, comes another native Twitter client called Twittix, from Mojos Mobile.

Once Installed, You will be prompted to enter your Twitter ID and your Password. It will then download your timeline.

You can do all the basic features of Twitter like updating your status, Replying to tweets, Direct Message, Retweet, Follow and Unfollow People, Favourite and Unfavourite tweets etc through this client. It also has an inbuilt search function through which you can search for anything you want, but there is no option for saving your searches.

The UI is pretty decent. Your Timeline, Replies, DM’s, Profile, Your followers and People you are following are presented to you in a tabbed format. You can browse through any user’s profiles directly from the timeline and also open the URL from any tweet (if any). In Nokia 5800, It also provides support for tweeting both in Portrait Mode and Landscape Mode.

This client is compatible with both S60 3rd, and S60 5th Editions.

This client is not free though and is priced at €4.95. You can download the 10 day trial of Twittix here, and if you find the application interesting, you can buy the full version at the same place.


Though Twittix is great client with a lot of features but is not as feature rich as Gravity and has a lot of room for improvement.

Vikas SN: A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik
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