Designed for S60 Devices logo program launched

series 60Nokia has announced a logo for programs designed for the most popular smartphone OS – Symbian Series 60. The developers must prove that their programs are Symbian Signed or Java Verified and list the individual models that each program is compatible with. When that is done they can use this logo. This logo program will not only popularise S60 devices but also will make customers aware of the various applications available for S60 phones

According to the Nokia website:
The ?Designed for S60 Devices? logo program is set up for developer use in application marketing. The program features an S60 logo specifically designed for developer use, with the aim of making it easier for developers to communicate that a particular offering is designed for S60 devices.

Enrolling in the logo program enables you to:

  • Associate your offering with the leading smartphone platform, S60.
  • Demonstrate that your offering is designed for the S60 platform.
  • Take advantage of marketing momentum built up by S60 device manufacturers.

via [Allaboutsymbian]

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Author: Varun Krish

Varun Krish is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast and has been writing about mobile phones since 2005. His current phones include the Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max and Galaxy S25 Ultra. You can follow him on Twitter @varunkrish You can also mail Varun Krish