Google is expected to introduce the Pixel 7 series later this year. Now the ‘Cheetah’, and ‘Panther’ codenames for the Pixel 7 and the Pixel 7 Pro have surfaced in the Android 13 Developer Preview. The Pixel 6 and 6 Pro has codenames ‘Oriole’ and ‘Raven’, respectively, and the Pixel 6a’s codename is said to be Pixel 6a ‘Bluejay’.
Compared to Google Tensor GS101 chip in the Pixel 6 series, including the upcoming Pixel 6a and the Pixel Notepad foldable, the Pixel 7 series is said to use the second generation Tensor GS201 chip. This also reveals ‘Cloudripper’ codename, which could be the development board.
The Pixel 6 series featured the Exynos 5123 modem, and the Pixel 7 series is expected to use Exyns 5300 modem, since there is reference to “g5300b” in the code, and it has the codename ‘Ravenclaw’.
We don’t have any other details of the Pixel 7 series or the design of the smartphones, but we still have few months before these go official.