SMSFame: Send Unlimited Free SMS in India Without Ads

In the past, we have come across many free SMS messaging solutions, using which you can send free SMS to any number in India without incurring any charges and sometimes, you even have the ability to send SMS without even disclosing your name or identity. (It is useful while advertising a product or so) but the only disadvantage among such free messaging solutions is the receiver of the SMS will get the desired message along with an Ad that the free SMS providers add to make good the loss they incur for giving away free SMSing solution.

But, guess what if I say, you can send unlimited SMS from the internet, without having to pay a single paisa and the receiver will not get even any ad at the bottom of the SMS? Isn’t this service too tempting? Yes, even I was excited to try this free SMS solution and to describe it in a single line, the service is just awesome. 🙂

SMSFame this is the service we are talking about. To start sending free SMS from this website, you just need to register with the website and verify your mobile for the first time. That’s it.. You are done with the entire thing. Hence forth for sending free SMS, you just need to login with the credentials provided to you and start sending free SMS in bulk.. Its that easy!! 🙂

Deepak: As Deepak says - he is a die hard mobile freak and can hardly keep himself away from his mobiles. His passion for mobiles led him to an interview at India's popular news channel. He also blogs at
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