OnePlus India today announced the opening of a new office space in India in line with the brand’s new hybrid work model, promoting seamless collaboration among teams and facilitating a cohesive work environment. Located in the iconic UB City area on Vital Mallya road in Bengaluru city, the new OnePlus office spans across18,000 sq. ft. spread across two floors.
It is designed by the in-house design team, and the company says that the office showcases vibrant installations of trendy illustrations and calming landscapes, fostering creative efforts. It also provides exciting facilities, including a wellness room and recreational area for employees to de-stress and unwind through the day.
In line with the brand’s efforts to prioritize employee wellbeing, OnePlus said that it has also implemented new, positive policies such as the OnePlus Revive and Pitstop initiative. The OnePlus Revive policy promotes greater flexibility for OnePlus employees by offering them the opportunity to work remotely for a period of two weeks, every six months, said the company.
In addition, the Pitstop initiative, promotes healthy work-life balance by offering employees the valuable opportunity to avail rest leaves every quarter.
OnePlus said that it witnessed a significant increase of nearly 50% in its India workforce in the first half of this year. Currently, it has 700+ employees as part of its India team, including the R&D team in Hyderabad.
Addressing the launch of the new OnePlus office, Navnit Nakra, India CEO and Head of India region, OnePlus India, shared:
At OnePlus, we prioritize the needs and wellbeing of our employees. Over the past two years, we witnessed work environments go through fundamental shifts. To better cater to the evolving work needs of our teams, we are excited to launch our new India office in UB City, Bengaluru. The office space is designed to effectively support our newly introduced hybrid work model, allowing employees to seamlessly collaborate across teams and benefit from a thriving work environment.
Apart from offering flexibility in work hours and location, we are taking active efforts to further healthy work-life balance among our employees through measures like OnePlus Revive and Pitstop initiatives. We are positive that these initiatives will promote an environment of holistic growth and wellbeing among our OnePlus employees.