WhatsApp could get status reply indicator, cover photo for desktop

When Reactions and Communities were released last month, rumors surfaced that WhatsApp is now working on a subscription strategy for its business app. But WhatsApp has made it possible for business accounts that use the latest versions of WhatsApp Business for iOS to add cover photos. Moreover, the feature is still in the works on the WhatsApp beta for Android.

Set up cover photos on Desktop

It appears that the company is currently working on a feature that will allow you to add a cover photo to your company’s profile page on WhatsApp Desktop beta. As seen in the screenshot below, WhatsApp Desktop beta will soon allow you to create a custom cover photo for your business profile. Due to cover photographs, businesses could add a header image to your business profile that consumers and other firms can see through. Remember, this is one of the upcoming features for the WhatsApp Business app, so the standard WhatsApp doesn’t have this feature yet, even in the beta version.

Right now, you can only set a cover photo on WhatsApp for iOS, but you can see that it will be available on the WhatsApp Desktop beta in the future. This means that we can expect this feature to be added soon to the upcoming beta versions of WhatsApp for Android.

Reply indicator for Status updates

The company is improving link previews and adding a status update feature to the chat list. For the WhatsApp beta for Android, iOS, and PC, a “reply indicator” for status updates is also being worked on. As shown in the image below, WhatsApp reveals a different icon when the most recent message in a conversation thread is a response to a status update. In a future version of WhatsApp, this little improvement will be handy when receiving a short response to your status change, so you can immediately grasp what the recipient is referring to.

In addition, the article stated that the screenshot was taken from the WhatsApp beta for iOS. It specifies that this feature is still in development, to the extent that little is defined about it. However, testing is now underway for both the Android and iOS WhatsApp versions.

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