Qualcomm introduced Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform back in November last year. Earlier this year, it announced a partnership with game developer Square Enix, that let the two companies to work on new extended reality (XR) experiences through the Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform. Today, it has opened up the Snapdragon Spaces XR Developer Platform for global developers to download.
Snapdragon Spaces offers an open, cross-device horizontal platform and ecosystem to bring developers’ ideas to life and revolutionize the possibilities of headworn AR.
In addition to downloading Snapdragon Spaces, developers can now purchase a hardware development kit to begin creating headworn augmented reality (AR) experiences on commercial hardware. These efforts demonstrate Qualcomm Technologies’ commitment to fuel XR innovations as we journey to the metaverse.
Developers can begin creating new experiences using Snapdragon Spaces at spaces.qualcomm.com. Downloading the Snapdragon Spaces platform will unlock the foundational tools to create 3D applications for AR glasses from the ground-up, add headworn AR features to existing 2D Android smartphone applications and more.
“With early access developers already building on Snapdragon Spaces and providing real-time feedback, the journey towards headworn AR experiences that seamlessly blend the lines between our physical and digital worlds is becoming a reality,” said Qualcomm.
Developer Hardware Kit available for Purchase
The company also started selling Snapdragon Spaces hardware development kit that includes the Lenovo ThinkReality A3 smart glasses coupled with a motorola edge+ (2022)
The ThinkReality A3 smart glasses are powered by the Snapdragon XR1 Platform and feature an 8MP RGB camera offering 1080p high-quality video and dual fish-eye cameras for room-scale tracking. The motorola edge+ (2022) is powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 Mobile Platform. Starting today, developers and companies can place their order at spaces.qualcomm.com priced at $1,999 (Rs. 1,55,040 approx.).
Qualcomm recently launched the Snapdragon Metaverse Fund and an investment of up to $100 million in innovative developers and companies building immersive experiences with AR, mixed reality, and VR.