realme today confirmed the launch of realme C30 in the C series in India on June 20. It will feature an 8.5 mm ultra-slim stripe design, promises a great performance and durable quality. The company said that it will weight 182 grams even though it packs a 5000mAh battery.
The realme C30 will be powered by an Octa-Core UNISOC T612 SoC, which we had seen in the recently launched realme C31. It has a single rear camera and comes in Blue and Green colours. The company said that it will offer a comprehensive, cutting-edge, and a dynamic experience for users in the entry-level segment.
You can see the notch display with a bottom bezel, SIM slot on the side. The realme C30 will be sold on Flipkart, in addition to We should know the complete specs of the phone and the price when the phone is launched next week. It is expected to be priced under Rs. 10,000.