Tata Play (formerly known as Tata Sky) has partnered with Google to launch Google Nest security camera in India, after it was introduced last year. It has also launched Tata Play Secure and Tata Play Secure+, a bundled service that includes battery-powered Google Nest Cam, an annual Nest Aware subscription, and a Google Nest Mini (limited period offer).
Features Google Nest Cam (Battery)
- Intelligent Alerts – Select the area or ‘Activity Zone’ that you want to keep an eye on (e.g., parking space or living room) and customize the alerts you receive. Be notified when your camera spots a person, animal, or vehicle. Get advanced familiar face recognition alerts with Nest Aware subscription. Choose which alerts you get, so you’re notified only of things important to you.
- Two-way Communication – Built-in high-quality speaker and microphone that enable easy communication with those at home – Say hi to your child or tell your dog to get off the couch! Full duplex 2-way audio with noise cancellation.
- Event Video History – If you miss a notification about an event, you can go back and see what happened using the Google Home app. Get up to 30/60 days of Event Video History and 10 days of continuous video recording history. During Wi-Fi or power outage, one hour of recorded events is stored in the camera memory.
- Built for All Conditions and Corners of Your Home – Battery-powered Google Nest Cam is weather resistant and designed to go almost anywhere.
Battery. Being battery-powered makes it easy to be set up in any nook or corner. No messy wires or outlets, so your home décor stays aesthetically intact. - See clearly, in any light with HDR and night vision – HDR helps you see key details in bright, high-contrast sunlight. Night Vision gives you a clear image even in low light and darkness. Live video is available in 1080p HD.
Pricing and availability
The Nest Cam and the Tata Play Secure are available first for Tata Play subscribers in 10+ cities including Mumbai + Navi Mumbai, Thane, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Delhi + NCR, Lucknow, and Jaipur.
The Nest Aware service includes the Nest Cam (battery) that is priced at Rs. 11,999 (includes free installation), and the basic plan starts at Rs. 3000 per year for up to 4 devices, and the premium Tata Play Secure+ plan starts at Rs. 5000 annually. So, the total price is Rs. 14,999 for the bundle, and as a limited period offer, you get a free Google Nest Mini (2nd Gen) smart speaker. Tata Play subscribers can get it from Tata Play website.
Installation and maintenance services, after sales and customer care will be managed by Tata Play. It comes with a 1-year warranty.
Pricing for India is cheaper than that US price, which costs $179.99 (Rs. 14,08- approx.) excluding tax. Net aware in the costs $6 (Rs. 469 approx.) per month or $60 (Rs. 4,694 approx.) a year for 30-day plan, which is again costly compared to India.
Commenting on the partnership, Tata Play’s Chief Commercial and Content Officer, Pallavi Puri said:
With the launch of Tata Play Secure and Tata Play Secure+, we aim to help our subscribers build a safe and secure ecosystem, be it home or workplace. This new offering is in line with our endeavor to provide experiences beyond entertainment. We are happy to partner with Google for the Tata Play Secure+ offering to bring to India a truly state-of-the-art home security experience.
Saurabh Arya, Head of Hardware Business Development, India & South Asia, Google, said:
We are thrilled to collaborate with Tata Play to bring to India our new-generation Nest Cam and Nest Aware service. These deliver a great experience thanks to our deep innovations in on-device machine learning, an intuitive user experience, and the highest level of privacy and security that gives people complete control over the information they share. With features like the ability to detect people, animals, and vehicles, the ability to be used indoor and outdoor, HDR, two-way communication and more, we can’t wait for people to experience enhanced smart security.