Inbase has launched the Urban Fit S, the company’s latest smartwatch with a Square Dial design and sports Bluetooth Calling. It has a large 1.78-inch AMOLED display and an integrated speaker for voice calls and voice assistance. The model has 247 heart rate tracking, SpO2, blood pressure, and sleep monitoring, and 120+ Active Sports Modes.
Inbase Urban Fit S Features
The square dial of the Inbase Urban Fit S has a rotating crown function for easy controls and comes with a Zinc Alloy casing with a soft skin-friendly silicone strap. Along with 120+ workout modes, it also comes with Sedentary Alerts, a Hydration Reminder, and a Breathing Training app, ensuring your health is always on top priority. Additionally, women can also track their menstrual cycles with the Physiological Cycle Reminder App.
The Fit S also includes 100+ watch faces, in-build memory for storing music, Find My Device, dual pairing for pairing smartphone as well as headphones or TWS, Camera and Music Controls, DIY Watch Face, a Calculator, a Flashlight, and Weather Forecasts.
Lastly, powering the smartwatch is a highly power-efficient Realtek chip with a Lithium-Ion battery that offers up to 15 days with notifications only, up to 5 days with standard use and Always on Display disabled, or up to 3 days with all features on and Always on Display enabled.
Pricing and Availability
The Inbase Urban Fit S comes in Black, Silver, Green, and Grey colours and is priced and will be available on the Urban Official Website and all leading retail stores, at an introductory price of Rs. 4,999 along with a 1-year standard warranty.