WhatsApp rolls out the admin delete feature, releasing a fix for the catch-up button

WhatsApp Voice Notes

According to WABetInfo, WhatsApp is working on releasing a feature that lets group admins delete any message for everyone. Group administrators will be able to better manage their WhatsApp groups with the addition of the ability to remove group messages for everyone.

To check whether this feature is available to you, if you are the group admin and try to delete an incoming message and see the option “delete for everyone,” that means the feature is available. When you delete a message for everyone that was sent by another group member, your name will always show up in the chat bubble, so everyone will know that you deleted that message.

In WhatsApp beta for Android, this feature is now rolling slowly to some beta testers. In the following weeks, we can expect a full rollout.

Furthermore, WhatsApp is releasing a fix for the catch-up button. The catch-up button from the most recent beta version perpetually appears in your chats for no apparent reason. This button, which usually appears when someone in the group mentions you, is faulty in this beta version, and many users have complained about it. This is a bug, and similar occurrences are possible when utilizing the beta version, but WhatsApp has already issued a bug-fix update that fixes the problem for all users.

Apart from these, WhatsApp is working on avatars, hiding online status and more features.

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